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Privacy Policy

Updated 2.22.2020

Privacy Message from Troy

This website, dba Troy Grimes Realty, respects your right to privacy.  Unless you're new to internet usage, you likely know that by visiting internet sites, your activity is tracked for a variety of purposes, including analytics, search engine optimization, and YES future marketing purposes.  This site is hosted by and was designed with intent to provide a landing page for current and prospective new clients for Troy Grimes Realty, as well as providing general information about my business model and services offered.  As a partner helping me grow my future business, may store information about your visit to this site, including the use of cookies and other tracking technology to customize your experience and report details about your site visit to me.  In addition to cookies, may capture your IP address, email, and any other relevant accessible Personal Information about you, to share with Troy Grimes Realty and other partners, including Google Analytics. For more on what does with your information, and how Wix stores your Personal Information, visit privacy policy by clicking HERE..  At this time, Troy Grimes Realty is NOT conducting E-commerce at this website and therefore will not be collecting nor storing any credit card information or credit identity information from consumers.  

What Troy Does with Your Personal Information 

Troy Grimes Realty will utilize your Personal Information (name, physical address, email address, and phone numbers) provided by you and/or for purposes of direct contact regarding inquiries that you initiate; and/or for future marketing of real estate related services.  By clicking a CONTACT button anywhere on this site and submitting your Personal Information, you are consenting to follow-up and future promotional marketing from Troy Grimes Realty by email, phone, SMS text message (data and usage rates may apply), and any other electronic means, including social media.  You're also consenting to contact by partners of and Troy Grimes Realty.

Security of Your Personal Information:

As a responsible small business owner, Troy Grimes Realty will make every reasonable effort to securely store your Personal Information (name, physical address, email address, phone numbers, and/or other information you share, Wix shares about you, or that is collected.) This includes utilization of up-to-date antivirus software and security firewall protection for servers and hard drives.  However, I cannot guarantee absolute protection and security of your Personal Information, your User or Users' Information, or any other User Contact you upload, publish, or otherwise share with Troy Grimes Realty, Wix, or anyone else.  Furthermore, you should never share any sensitive Personal Information e.g., social security number, credit card numbers, etc. via email, instant message, or contact forms provided on this or other websites; as those communication methods are generally deemed non-secured for transmission of sensitive data.  And you should routinely exercise your own security protocol measures to protect your credit identity and electronic communication, including frequent changes to your passwords, deleting of cookies, and web browser history.

Opt Out & Contact Info

While many emails from Troy Grimes Realty will be "transactional" in nature, Troy does comply with the USA-CAN-SPAM Act and promotional emails that may be considered "commercial" will be equipped with method for you to UNSUBSCRIBE from future promotional/marketing email correspondence.  To opt out of SMS text messages from Troy, reply STOP at any time to cease text communications.  Additionally your personal internet web browser and security settings may provide other means for you to block cookies and tracking by, the site host for dba Troy Grimes Realty.  To contact Troy with any questions about this Privacy Statement or general inquiries about real estate services he provides, click HERE. 

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